
About Robert Waterson

I am an extremely ethical and hardworking individual who likes to lead by example. I feel you don’t have to tell people you are good at something, when it’s easier and more rewarding to show them just how good you are. In life I have succeeded at most positions and things I have tried whether it be business, sport or social because I have given it my best and focused on it until I have achieved it.

Working in Real Estate I find is really a very privileged position, you are working for people who place a great deal of trust and faith in you as a professional, and all through that you have to keep their best interests in mind at all times, make sure you never weaken their position and get them the best result possible, which in itself is reward enough.

I find they always tell their friends about their experience and your business grows accordingly.

The Best compliment a customer or client can give me is to refer my services to friends and family or someone else I can help.

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Robert Waterson's Properties

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